married, fit with fido

walking the talk of a healthy lifestyle

Drink ON the pounds August 4, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — marriedfitfido @ 01:52

I think my trip to Vegas may have stimulated this blog, we all have to splurge ever once in awhile and when in Vegas…..

You may be getting plenty of exercise, watching what you eat and counting your calories.  However, did you know that  a lot of our calories are coming from our drinks. We seem to ignore those liquid calories. You know, those that are in regular sodas, and fruit drinks you drink every day with your meals, but also with the alcoholic drinks you are consuming with tonic water and ginger ale. Look on the label and see what the calories are in each serving, and then look to see how many servings are in that bottle or glass you are pouring.

An average glass of juice served at a breakfast restaurant is 2-3 servings and then there is the free refill. Are you trying to drink “light” by ordering a Gin & Tonic which serves up a whoppoing 100 calories for 8 ounces….but you only have one, right?

Pure fruit juices contain a high number of calories per serving but are often overlooked  beacause they contain vitamins and minerals. However a calorie is still a calorie.

The most high-calorie drinks Let’s see how some of our favorite drinks add up:

Coffee Drinks

Do you love your latte, well did you know that the Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha with 2% milk and whip cream is worse than a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese. The syrup flavor alone has 80 calories and you may want to think twice about the whipped cream. If you absolutely must have your morning jitters be sure to get it with skim milk and hold the syrup and whip cream.

Coffee drinks are really a milk shake with caffeine.

Individual juices
 A bottle of  OJ is 225 calories and the larger bottle of apple juice is just less than 300 calories. Enjoy a glass with breakfast, but make sure it is a small glass and stop with one. Have a piece of whole fruit for less sugar and more vitamins/minerals.

Ole! Margarita, Pina Coladas, Mai Tai’s, Chocolate Martini’s…a caloric nightmare,The alcohol, sweet mixes aka sugar as well as the cream which is fat  provide extra calories.  If you must enjoy your libation, enjoy your cocktails with diet soda, club soda or on the rocks….if you must just enjoy one.

Here are a few tips to decrease the amount of liquid calories you consume:

  • Have diet soda/mixers with you liquor 
  • Have light beer
  • Avoid drinks with sweet mixes and cream
  • Make a wine spritzer by mixing your wine with club soda or diet lemon lime soda.
  • Use fresh juices for better flavor and less calories

The problem is usually not one Chocolate Martini, Colorado Bulldog or Top Shelf Margarita, but rather the number of high calorie drinks consumed each week. Are you stopping at one? Think about you how you might enjoy an extra 500-750 calories per week.

Cheers! To your health.


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